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Cash Flow Boost for Employers
In this article we will provide further clarity on the governments Cash Flow Boost incentive. As of today, legislation has not been...

The new $130b JobKeeper Initiative
The Morrison government announced yesterday in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the Australian economy, that a new...

Coronavirus Stimulus Package
The Morrison Government has announced yesterday a $17.6 billion economic plan to keep Australians in jobs, keep businesses in business...

Save up to $8,250 this EOFY
As the financial year draws to a close, clients often ask us what is the easiest way to save on tax. Thanks to the federal government's...

Our Senior Accountant has been nominated for 2 Awards!
A massive congratulations to our senior accountant Kon Paraskevas for being nominated in two categories for the 2019 Australian...

Winners and Losers of Federal Budget 2019
Yesterday the liberal government delivered its 2019 budget. So we have decided to put a quick list of who are the winners and who are the...

You need a Payroll System by July 2019 or else!
Starting on the 1st of July 2019, every employer - that's right - EVERY employer will need to a payroll system in place in order to...

Can I claim Christmas Gifts?
As the holiday season draws closer, many workplaces will be having their annual Christmas parties and purchasing gifts for their staff...

MP Tax is now in South Melbourne!
We are very proud to announce that MP Tax & Business Solutions has opened up a new office in South Melbourne! Conveniently located on the...

Cash Flow for Businesses
Cash flow is the oxygen of a business, without good cash flow a business suffocates. With GST payable every three months for most...
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